
A dream that makes sense (9/27/08)

IRL: I slept for much of the day on Saturday. I needed to do something with the dozen or so peaches that I picked the week before.

Dream: I could make the fold-over cookies with the peaches! That would be tasty and different. I would need to go to the store to get a package of cream cheese, but that's ok as I need to get a few things at the store anyways. The fold-over cookies do call for a jam filling, and I really don't feel like cooking down a bunch of peaches all night long... But if I did I could get some vanilla ice cream at the store to help use up and peach stuff that might be left over when the cookies are completed!

IRL: I did not make cookies. I made a peach upside down cake, and some peach muffins. I did get the vanilla ice cream to go with the cake though.

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