
Animals (4/10/09)

I'm house sitting @ the house with a cat and a dog, and also Ladymedic's dog is there too. I let LM's dog out to potty one night and the cat got out too. When I opened the door to let the dog and cat return they run into the house and behind them are more cats. They don't seem aggresive in any way other than how they barged into the house so I let them stay. They are all dark colored cats except for that one that was a red abbysian (sp?). This one was sortof a dark redish-purpleish-brown and long and pointy the was a siamese is. Awesome. Pretty cat.

I wasn't sure why these cats were running to the house all of a sudden. More were at the door trying to get in. I let them in and in runs another red cat. Oh wait, no, that is a fox. Shit! It's trying to eat the cats!

I manage to get the fox back outside. It only ate a few of the cats, including the red one, and a small white kitten that was on the porch waiting to get in. I feel guilty about that one. There was nothing I could do. I had to keep the fox out and the animals I was being paid to watch in.

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