
..Goes to College to get More Knowlege (4/07/09)A

I'm in this horticulture class and for the final exam we are to grow some random shit in a random place of the instructor's choosing. He takes us to what looks like a giant meteor crater in a desert and hands us a polaroid of a big purple dot. We have to go find our big purple dots out in the crater by interpreting the scenery in the photo. I can kinda see my dot in the distance on the crater's rim. I head over there.

I end up taking my soil-terrarium into a shed to work on it out of the sun and plan my exam garden. I think of what I can grow in it, and I come up with random household trimmings like a carrot top, a potato eye....etc.. I go back home to get these things (it's allowed).

When I get back I'm setting up my trimmings in the terrarium and getting the soil to the right moisture content and trying to figure out how I will keep the soil moist in the desert when I'm not there over the weekend. Another student is in the shed working too. Apparently their purple dot was inside the shed.

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