
Random Casino (06/19/08)

I'm with my mom and sister and we fly to IL somewhere to stay at a hotel/casino. I have no idea why. We were basically just going there for the day. I noticed that on the itinerary from the airlines that my ticket was booked separately and would be departing many hours after thiers would be. Neat. I get out my phone and leave the hotel room to make my call. It was right before bed and I'm wearing a night shirt and my purple bathrobe/duster. Whatever, it kinda looks like clothing. I walk out to the balcony (this floor had a balcony that looks down on the casino floor below. There is a snack bar and tables and chairs on this balcony) to make my call.

My phone is acting weird, and I can't find the name of the person i'm trying to call in the B's. I check a few other letters. Then I notice a prompt on my digital camera, that is alerting me that this person's black and white mini movie has been deleted because he was hving a fight with the director. Okay.... I'm glad I brought my digi cam onto the balcony. I keep trying to find him in my phone and 2 people run up and try to steal my phone. Whatever, I had a vice like grip on my phone ever since I left the room. I knew some jack asses would try and steal it. They scurry off.

I go up to a service desk and ask if there is a buisiness center where I can send an email. She says there is, but it's a $12 charge to use it. Eh. Not that important.
Then I see my friend on the tv screen. He tells me through it that he changed his name to something japanese begining with an O. It's a one-way message so I can't tell him that my phone is acting up and I'll need him to call me.

I look at my phone again and go through the O's. Now my phone is scrolling through names really fast and I can't read them. Shit. From what little I can read I am not seeing anything japanese.

Oh well, I guess I will be spending those extra hours in IL by myself.

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