
The OkCupid town (5/3/08)

I and some random guy-friends were doing something. One of the guys was all concerned that he would lose custody of his kid, and child services was coming to inspect the living conditoions today, and something was wrong with this guy's body. Not like fatness, or illness, but like we sharpied obscenities all over him or something, and that is not conduicive to raising a small child. I came up with the idea of baking cookies (to show how he treats the kid good) and having the guy get into some Barney suit to cover all the pen marks (to show how he's a good dad or something). Someone gets dishwasher detergent granules into the cookies and there is much drama over it from me (WTF dudes?!?) but then I had a brownie mix and I told them to go make that. The child service person was pleased and the guy got to keep his kid.

Another of the guys was really impressed with how I handled this situation and with how wise I am and he embraced me. I could feel it in my gut (and against my thigh) that he really liked me. He even said so. We were going to get together later and like get together.

Later comes and he blows me off. Whatever. I see it in his OKCupid profile that I have been put on the back burner and stuff. Ass. I unfriend him and go out. People around town are coming up to me with thier phone numbers and propositions, especially the swinger couples and the lesbians. Clearly my profile has been tampered with. Eh. At least I'm popular and people are trying to hook up with me. I see that guy while I'm out and he totally breezes past me like I'm not there.

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