
More Driving in TX (4/29/08)B

In a minibus we are all piled in. Dad is driving, and alot of other relatives are in the back. I'm kinda dozing off a few seats from the front. The dusty country roads are all winding and change elevation alot. It had rained alot recently too so some areas were soggier than I would like. Dad just powered through them in the way that you are not supposed to do. This is how people stall out then get swept away and drown.

Of course we come to this stretch of road where there is now a lake of unknown depth covering it. Dad tries to power through it and gets maybe 30 feet in before we stall out and start taking in water. I can feel it sloshing in around me in my seat.

Somehow we manage to back out of the lake and get back on the dusty road and we head back the way we came, hoping to find a detour.

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